Skit for the Game Night

Person 1: Who are you picking for your team

( Picks Someone…and then Person 1 picks someone. It goes back and forth)

Person 3: I was watching the stream…on…( Everyone Stops and Smiles) Why are you all picking people I wanna pick some people too.

Host: And you can! Come and register for GAME NIGHT on Friday Oct 12th ! Pick a group of 5 people to represent your Team and have the chance to be MZ125th Game Night Champions!

Person 3: But what if I’m not good at any games

Host: No Worries. we have something for you as well. Person 1, tell em what they can do

Person 1: Well we also have a dessert competition. Bake your favorite dessert and see if you win MZ 125th Baker of the Night.

Person 3: Well what if I have no cooking skills. I put aluminum foil in the microwave yesterday and everyone was upset for some reason.

Host: Hakuna Mattata We STILL have something for you as well! Person 2_ tell them what they can do

Person 2: Well we also have Free time where you can do whatever. Boardgames, card games, bingo for prizes, fellowship with MZ past and Present members and family, and Eat Food!

Person 3: Im allergic to competitive games…I cant participate in any of them.

Host: Well we have a remedy to that problem as well…tell them Person 1

Person 1: Every game played you are able to watch. So as the teams play Taboo, Price is Right, Jeopardy, and our biggest hit Family Feud you can watch and not have to get thrown in the heat of competition.

Person: 3 Okay.. But what if I have

Person 1: an allergic reaction to alligators?!

Person 3: No… I was gonna say kids

Person 2: I got this. This is for the whole family. Carry your little ones with you as you have a good time, Ages 3-7, We have something for you to do. Everyone else hang with your family and friends or sign up for a team.

Person 3: Well sounds like a good time! I’ll Be there

Host: Thank you! Now Remember Sign up with our Special Events Members who will be at the back of the church after service for the next 4 weeks! Dessert Competition and Teams for our competition to be MZ125th Game Night Champions! For more information on all of our events for that week please check out…